07 March 2012

my second semester~

my frens said tat i'm a bit diff from the me tat i used to be...
for example, i talk in a very "girly" way....
means.... errr... lembut??
hmm... they said i'm not as "garang" *fierce?* as i used to be...
am i??
i am not sure about it....
maybe it's not the time yet???

besides tat, i deactivated my fb account last time....
i was too attached to fb and it's kind impossible for me to do tat..
bt i did it...
however, i hav to reactivate my fb acc due to some reasons...
i hav no other choice cuz my frens always post the recent news in our class grp...
besides that, my lecturer will also create a grp for our class for the subject he is teaching us...
why is everyone using FB whn i want to stop using it??
i doubt the way my brain works...
it's really weird...
sometimes i'll say tis, but, after a few seconds, i'll change my mind..
tat always happens to me nowadays...
i got tired with it... =.="

btw, i started my classes for second semester...
it was ok..
awesome lecturers are teaching my class this semester...
the dean, head of programme and the one lecturer that i like the most is miss han xiyue who came from China..
she's kind and cute... she'll be teaching me Mandarin language~
anyway, she's getting married the upcoming saturday~
i wish her happy~ =)

on top of that, i would like to congratulate my friends who gt their StPM results this evening!
they did a great job!
continue ur great job! XD
for those who did not get the expected results,
do ot give up ur hope...
do ur best~
strive for ur dream~
gud luck! =)